Tuesday 19 November 2013


On the 28th of October there was a storm. It hit multiple places in Europe, and Denmark was once of them. It was the worst storm in 60 years. Here is a video (not by me) of what it was (sort of) like:

It was nuts. Trees fell across the train lines, so the trains all stopped. Signs had been put up the weekend before for the various candidates for the local elections, so they were flying all over the place. It was impossible to ride a bike: if the wind was against you you just went backwards. Windows were smashed, bits of trampoline went flying everywhere, it was INSANE. I was extremely lucky and managed to catch THE last train home from school, and was inside before the worst hit but boy oh boy, it was nasty.

Sadly, one person died, but fortunately he was the only one. He was also a bit dumb: went down to the harbour to take a video of the waves without putting on any protective gear and got hit in the head by a roof-tile.

Our house was fine, apart from our rubbish bin, which lay out in the middle of the road when I got home - but that was easily fixed! Apart from Molly missing out on her afternoon walk and Simon's soccer getting cancelled it didn't affect us at all. Lucky we are :)

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