.... my mantra in regards to this blog lately.
I think it has been a little over two weeks since I last wrote something. Since then, I have:
Been to the dentist. I freaked out coz I though I was getting a wisdom tooth and my mouth really hurt so I went to the dentist, he looked in my mouth, took some photos and no wisdom tooth! This was of course good news but also bad news considering AFS doesn't pay for dental care and I had just spent a significant sum of money for a dentist to tell me I was fine. But I'm fine guys all good.
Week before last, the weather was absolutely dreadful and I was feeling kind of depressed because it was supposed to be summer. However, I
Roskilde started the day after our schools 3rd graders graduated. They do this thing here where all the students graduating from the last year of gymnasium drive around in these big ass vans (like party busses). The day starts with the graduation ceremony, during which all the 2nd graders com and decorate the van of the corresponding 3rd grade class ( I am in 2a, so we decorated 3a's bus). Ours was, of course, the last to arrive so i was a bit of a rush to get it done. Looked pretty fab though!

In addition, 3a gave us ten beer trays with 24 beers in each... so like 240 beers. We have them standing in the office (where my host mum works) waiting for us when we start back after summer haha!
ALSO the number of exchange students in the country has significantly lessened. Everyone who came in August last year has now gone home :( Although it was sad to see them all go, all of them had homes to go back to and mixed feelings about it all: excited to go home again but distraught at leaving their new lives behind and starting 'real' life again. Now, we are only three left in our local chapter until a whole heap of new students come again in August. Our chapter is getting five new students from a variety of countries, and I am excited to meet them all and be a 'senior' eheheh.
It was also midsummers day a couple of weeks ago, celebrated in Denmark as Sankt Hans Aften. It's a bit like Guy Fawkes, we had a massive bonfire in the field out the back of our house with a witch on it. Not a real witch one made of out a broom and some clothes stuffed with straw.
I was very happy that I was NOT one of the hundreds of thousands that went to Roskilde Festival. The weather was... dreadful for a large duration of it. Still, I'm sure the music was great and the partying was fun and I hope all who went had a good time.
Last week, the lovely Emily Sceats was in Copenhagen! Emily and I went to the same schools our whole lives, primary to high school. We always knew each other, but never really KNEW each other until we went to Vietnam together on a history trip in year 12. We were room buddies, got along really well, and still do :) I spent a few days last week showing her around the city, all the tourist attractions and shops and everything. I don't think I have talked to someone so much since I got here - I just about lost my voice! She has been travelling around Europe and was on her way to London after visiting me. We are both young people on exciting European adventures, hers a little different from mine of course in the sense that she is travelling, not living somewhere permanently so we had a lot to talk about.
We also got a pool!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok it's a paddling pool but who cares. Same same. It is just perfect for those hot days when you are lying in the sun and need a cool down. Stine, Caroline and I also went to the beach just today. It was a beach pretty close to the city and was remarkably similar to Mission Bay actually. Only differences being that there was a surf lifeguard set up ( haha there was no surf whatsoever I do not understand ) and instead of the North Shore and Rangitoto making up the view, it was Sweden. Weird.
Asides from that, there have been a couple of trips in to town, resulting in late night/early morning arrivals home, and lots of fun. The video below (which I hope works) is of my favourite busker. He stand there with a cow beanie on his head and plays the recorder, but he can't play the recorder so he just toots the same note over and over. I love him <3
I am leaving on a variety of travels next week and will try to keep this reasonably up to date but I can't promise anything!
Knus og krams herfra :) Meg
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