Wednesday, 13 February 2013

so because technology is the absolute worst invention of all time, google somehow managed to make my old blog invisible on my account. so it still exists. but apparently i don't own it anymore. whatever let's just start all over again. thanks google, we've really gotten off to a GREAT start.
so last week i went around taking photos of some of the simple things i hadn't taken photos of yet, like the train station, the street, my host family, etc. i tactfully omitted a picture of my room because at the moment it is a strange combination of sparse yet messy. hard to explain, but a trip to ikea next week will solve the problem of sparsity anyway. 
my new best friend molly

the kitchen. of course.

comfy comfy

there's another two inches now


so, what has happened since the last time i wrote... lots. i am really terrible at this whole keeping everyone up to date thing. last last weekend was copenhagen fashion week (that's where i was going out to after i finished writing last time). i went with a few girls from my class and it was really good fun! they were handing out free champagne and candy everywhere. it was sweet as, literally. oh my gosh i have the worst sense of humour. anyway, in illum, a big expensive department store i found this funny looking manikin with an arm the length of a leg. it had fallen down inside the sweater haha. and also a photo of some make up, just so you get the vibe of fashiony stuff and stuff.

asides from that, i got my first danish assignment back and i got a ten! which is good as! the equivalent of an excellence minus i guess. it was in maths, so not exactly testing my language ability too harshly but hey, it's a start! i had quite a lot of assignments actually... there work load for students here is rather large and i must say i am glad it doesn't matter too much for me. although it was the end of the term so teachers were making sure we weren't slacking off i guess.

now it is winter break, and i have just returned home from my family's summer house in Yderby. yes. a summer house. in the winter. it was quite lovely actually, in spite of the cold. we had a fire blazing for the entire four days. at one point, caroline, simon and i actually got so hot (from doing pilates workouts) that we went outside and rolled in the snow. good idea at the time, afterwards, not so much. the house was on a spit and we went for a walk with molly to the end to see where the two opposing currents meet eachother. because it is in the north of zealand, and right next to the ferry to jutland, some people have actually swum across to the mainland. we found a stone with people's times carved into it.

sorry about the change of blog, but seriously, blame google not me. happy valentines day! <3
on friday, caroline, stine, mormor and i are heading off to malmø in sweden for a girls shopping weekend, while the boys are skiing in autria. i am really looking forward to a bit of retail therapy, especially considering i now have a bank account, and got drama scholarship which means another 2000 kroner for me yippee! 

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